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My Lay-Flat Mondays (8)

Week 8 of my new series: My Lay Flat Mondays!!

The purpose: describe my past week in just one picture, boots my creativity vibes at the same time, and stop going through life one week at the time without even noticing it.

I can't believe I started this photography challenge already 8 weeks ago!! (feels like yesterday...)

So here it is!

Week 8: Mar 30 - Apr 05

Lay-Flat Monday

- Palm tree branch: living tropical

- Orchids: same as last week, and still looking fresh (which I find amazing)

- Paper fishes: for the First of April (April's Fool day). In France a tradition is to stick paper fished on other people back... my kids obviously love that tradition, but they made those fishes just for my Lay-Flat challenge. I love how much they like this weekly project and invested themselves in it.

- Ester eggs and paintbrushes: well, this one is pretty much self-explanatory. We started this week or traditional easter eggs painting.

- Picture: our family outing this week-end to the Tree Top Walk in MacRitchie Reservoir. Quite a serious walk in the Singapore's heat (with 4 little kids in toe). Although lots of activities are slowly shutting down, parks are still an option (still need to think about social distancing though). And two good things out of this: 1- we got a lot of exercise, and 2-the kids were so exhausted they wont ask to go outside for a while :-).

- Playstation Controller: for some indoor fun.

- mask: sadly no need to introduce that one anymore, and yes I have been using the same exact mask for these pictures for the last 7 weeks (and to ride the bus when necessary), so no worries, no wasting here!

- Camera

© 2020 MermozinePhotography

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